Gaza Family

This blog post could be pages and pages of text talking about how much I love and cherish the people in these photos.  Megan is one of my best friends, former roommate/classmate/bunkmate-in-the-tiniest-room-in-all-of-Spain/travelmate/etc etc.  We have countless memories together and I'm so privileged to call her a friend.  Megan is going to be spending some time overseas within the next year and her parents thought it might be nice to have updated photos before she left.  Megan is one of the kindest, most genuine people I have ever known and, although I'll miss her next year, I know she will do BIG things with her time spent across the pond.  Enjoy, everyone!

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Cherri & Kris celebrated 34 years of marriage the day after these photos were taken.  It's always encouraging to photograph this kind of love--a true picture of faith-based commitment.  Congrats, again, you two!

Gaza Family,

You rock.  I am so privileged that we were led to each other nine years ago.  Megs, I can't wait for many, many more memories to be made in the future, no matter where you are!  Love you guys!

Until next time!
